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Virginia Festival of the Book

This year, I had the pleasure of attending the Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottsville, Virginia. This week long celebration of books, reading, literacy and literary culture is one of the largest book festivals in the region and it is definitely worth attending. The festival is sponsored by the Virginia Humanities Council and this […]

My Author Obstacle Course

I always knew getting a book published would be challenging. However, I had no idea the total number of obstacles which would need to be overcome.   Before I wrote my first word, I thought writing, or rather finishing, a book would be the hardest part of becoming an author. Silly me. Writing is hard, […]

Time to Write

One of the most life changing events that ever happened to me, occurred when I attended a course on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. It was a required course for managers at the company where I worked. It may sound cliché to say that the course changed my life, but it’s true. It […]

A Public Service Announcement

Despite the fact I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, I strive to avoid political posts/discussions. This is NOT a political post or discussion. However, as we approach our midterm election in a few weeks (November 6, 2018), I want to encourage all American citizens to exercise your rights and vote, regardless of your […]