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It’s Sunday, April 22nd and the second book in my Mystery Bookshop Mystery series, READ HERRING HUNT releases on Tuesday, April 24th, just 2 days away. Surprised? Yeah, me too. Where did the time go? It seems just yesterday I was posting about my first book, THE PLOT IS MURDER. Oh, wait; it was yesterday. To be completely honest, I have no idea what I’m doing. Surprised? I didn’t think so. I’m pretty sure it’s obvious that I’m flying by the seat of my pants. There should be a manual with clearly defined rules about when to promote and for how long. Maybe that book exists and I just haven’t found it yet. If not, I would like to encourage the people who know what new authors are supposed to do to write that book. I would love to buy it. I can even recommend a title for you, SO YOU’VE GOT THE BOOK CONTRACT, NOW WHAT? Trust me; you’ll sell millions of copies. Okay, I don’t know how many copies you’ll sell, but I will definitely buy that book. So, you’ll have at least one guaranteed sell.

When THE PLOT IS MURDER released in November 2017, I did Facebook parties, promotions, made bookmarks and invitations. I even had a cell phone cover made with the book cover on the front. I vowed to do one for all of my books. Did it happen? Nope, but then I can always do it later, right? That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway. So, here we are. It’s April and I’ve got a book releasing in 2 days. No invitations, no bookmarks, no promotional parties and no cell phone covers. You may be wondering, what I’ve actually done. Despite a crazy month (and trust me, this month has gone beyond crazy into the realm of absolute lunacy), I did manage to schedule a book signing. So, if you live in or near the Chattanooga, Tennessee area and want to swing by the Barnes & Noble at Hamilton Place Mall between 6 – 8 pm EST, then you will find me smiling and ready to sign the newly released copies of READ HERRING HUNT. There will be cupcakes, giveaways and hopefully, a good time for all.

Can’t make it to the signing? No worries, I will also be attending Malice Domestic in Bethesda, MD April 27-29th and will have two book signings on Saturday, April 28th  at 11am and 3pm. I won’t bring cupcakes, but I’ve got a little swag that I’ll be more than happy to give you.

I have been truly blessed to have friends who have noticed the crazed look in my eyes and lack of promotion and have blogged, promoted, provided giveaways, and encouraged me in so many ways. I want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you. I have truly been touched by the compassion and completely selfless and generous offers of support that I’ve received. Thank you to the Cozy Mystery Crew, Linda Reilly, Karen Owens, Peggy Rancillio, Robert Crawford, Dru Ann’s Book Musings, Joan Laflamme, Betty Tyler, the Barnyardians (Jamie, Stephen, Lindsey, Jill, Chuck and Tim) and the spectacular training team (Tena, Grace, Jamie, Deborah). Special thanks to my friends, Sophia Muckerson and Shelitha Mckee, without you two keeping me sane (and kicking me in the butt), none of this would be happening. I’m sure I missed someone, but I am pretty brain dead. Please know that I appreciate every kind word, encouragement, prayer, purchase, and recommendation. Thank you and I hope you will check out READ HERRING HUNT. The author may be a bit crazy, but I hope you still find the mystery enjoyable.