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Riding the Writing Rollercoaster

In 2017 I wrote a blog where I compared the writer’s life to being on a rollercoaster. Four years and fourteen books later, I’m still riding that roller coaster.  2020 and 2021 have been crazy. So many horrific things happened and then there was a global pandemic. Without sporting events, shopping, working, or travel, I had a lot of time (probably too much time) to think and analyze my life, writing, the meaning of life, and…well, everything.  And, I made some difficult decisions about my writing career. Here’s the criff notes version. 

If you read the fifth book in my Dog Club Mystery series, SIT, STAY, SLAY!, you probably felt that the series was wrapping up. If so, you were right. I’ve enjoyed writing the series and spending time with Lilly Ann Echosby, Dixie, Monica Jill, Linda Kay, and all of the folks from the Eastern Tennessee Dog Club. It’s been fun, and I will miss spending time with the people and also the dogs, especially Aggie and Rex. However, I feel like it’s time. This was a hard decision, but I think it was the right one even though it felt like a serious dip on the rollercoaster ride.

I’m currently working on the 4th book in my RJ Franklin Mystery series.  After a great deal of thought, prayer, and tears, I have decided that this will be the last book in the series. I love Mama B, RJ, and Paris, and if your read my blog about Why Mama B and RJ Matter, you know that this series is especially near and dear to my heart. The first book in the series, TRAVELLIN’ SHOES, was my thesis project in the Writing Popular Fiction MFA program at Seton Hill University. This was the first book I ever wrote and the one that has the largest amount of my blood, sweat and tears.  However, I feel that I need to step away. I need to make some changes to help renew my creativity. Saying goodbye is hard and that rollercoaster is definitely at it’s lowest point.

However, a rollercoaster doesn’t just have it’s downs. There’s also the upward climb. Book #7 in my My Mystery Bookshop Mystery series, KILLER WORDS, releases in November. I wasn’t sure if my publisher would continue the series. In fact, I thought this would be the end, but thankfully my publisher has requested 2 more books. I’m thrilled to have an opportunity to see where Sam, Nana Jo, and the girls will go next. So, be on the lookout for more books in the Mystery Bookshop Mystery series in 2021 and 2022.

Ending two series was scary, but once the decision was made, I felt lighter and my creative juices started to flow. My muse showed up and I felt inspired. Before I knew what was happening, I gave birth to a new character. After some brainstorming with my agent, I wrote a proposal for a new series. We learned a few months ago that my baby has found a home with Kensington Press. Now that the contract is signed and the ink is dry, I am excited to share that I will be writing a new culinary cozy mystery, The Baker Street Mysteries. This new series will (fingers crossed) release in 2022.

I am sad to end two of my series. However, I am truly excited to see where the Mystery Bookshop and Baker Street Mystery series will go. So, I’m still on the rollercoaster. And, despite the ups, downs, and loopy loops, I am enjoying the ride.